

A professionally written press release can help increase traffic to your website and raise your business profile.

Press Generator will research, write and distribute a press release for £195 - best price on the web!

All our writers are skilled and qualified journalists with experience writing for national and regional newspapers, broadcast media and trade press.

For a one-off fee Press Generator offers:

   * press release written by a fully trained, experienced journalist
   * telephone interview to confirm the facts of the release and check details
   * free distribution to agreed media list
   * free posting on internet news sites

A well written press release is increasingly becoming THE 21st century marketing and business promotion tool.

To have a presence in the media you need to be issuing quality press releases written by professionals. There's more to PR than press releases, but the press release is still the biggest weapon in the public relations armoury.

Newspapers and magazines need relevant and up-to-date press releases, while online media thrives on content delivered in the press release format.  Even your own website needs well-written news copy to keep it fresh and optimised!

Once you have ordered and sent us some basic details we will contact you over the telephone - wherever you are in the world.

A professional Press Generator journalist will interview a designated member of your team to research the details of the story. The more background detail and information you supply upfront can speed up and help the process.

Press Generator produces a draft press release which you receive by email to comment on and amend. Once the press release is approved we agree a media distribution list and send out the release. This can include online news sites, newspapers, broadcast media and magazines.

At Press Generator we do not expect you to do half the writing in the first place to give us the story.  Our qualified and professional journalists contact you to get the relevant and most newsworthy information.press release writer

You may have a better story that you don't even realise exists.  You may have no story but need us to find an angle to get you in the press.

Call on 0845 519 4563 for an informal chat about what a press release can do for you.