
As a Data Privacy Solutions provider, Privageo offers an approach that serves the entire data privacy ecosystem: from compliance to legal to training to implmentation and beyond. Our competitive advantage lies in the following four areas:

Privageo’s extensive leadership and executive mindset compels us to a design approach balancing risk cost and investment capacity. All our solutions are driven by this mantra. Using AGILE we meet Data Privacy challenges with prioritized and phased deliverables. This keeps clients in control and enables rapid pragmatic adjustment as data privacy regulations evolve and as budgets or staffing demand change.

“C-Suite” expertise and fancy talk does little to help you manage the required details of a successful data privacy program. So will make sure we have the muscle to be equally comfortable with board room strategy as we do executing in the data trenches with your team. We call it our ”Suits to Boots” approach.

Consumers want companies to demonstrate the same care with their personal data as they would their own. Yet the continual news of data breaches and misuses only serves to further erode confidence and trust. That’s why we keep one eye trained on the privacy experience of your consumers. We aspire to turn our data privacy executions beyond just “must do” compliance and toward building loyalty experiences that create trust for consumers and differentiation for clients.

Since Data Privacy and cyber-security standards cannot be taken lightly
we align our solutions services and methods to match those of the most nationally recognized frameworks: NCF and NIST. Our reliance on these established frameworks help mitigate compliance risk and reduce other potential liabilities.