About |
Prodigy Data Systems has been providing state of the art pharmacy software since 1982, and has continued to lead the industry with it's primary LTC pharmacy system - PROscript 2000. Prodigy also provides cutting edge technology with it's own integrated modules developed by the company itself. These products include:
Docu-Flow - Prodigy's own paperless document management system. This module, written by Prodigy (as with all of their modules listed), integrates specifically with PROscript 2000 and offers pharmacies the most powerful paperless system on the market today, and at a fraction of the cost of ANY competitor.
eLink - Prodigy's own Facility Internet Access module, which allows easy yet secure access for facility personnel to the pharmacy system, allowing the facility to view and perform important tasks while at the same time allowing the pharmacy full control of what is viewed/accessed at the pharmacy.
toteTRACK - Prodigy's enhanced iOS iPhone/iPad/iPod app - The industry's most powerful delivery tracking system for pharmacy totes being delivered to the pharmacy's facility/chosen destination.
I-PROscan - Prodigy's iOS iPhone/iPod app for streamlined workflow and enhanced productivity in-house. Enhanced NDC and pharmacist verification, drug interactions, tote management, inventory updates and audits all right from your smart phone.
Contact a Prodigy Rep for more details or to get an online demo!