
PreConstruction Catalysts, Inc (PCC Funding), is a catalyst for ultra-high-level transactions. We are deal-makers with an ever-growing international network of senior level people. The guiding principles for us are 1) The Golden Rule, 2) Good, strong, trusting, honest relationships are the foundation for transactions, NOT the transaction itself, and 3) Integrity, Accountability, Candor, and Knowledge are critical components.

There are two distinct areas of focus for us.

1) Private Placement Trade Programs (Managed Buy/Sell)

2) Large scale Project Funding

We create a good foundational relationship for discussions and a path to a successful transaction.

200-Million Euro +++ Environmental and Humanitarian Project Funding: Ranging from 2,000 acre community developments, to wind farms, solar, ethanol, solar, and other categories of products. We connect strong management teams and ideas with the people who can finance them.