
PropertySaleWatchdog.com is NOT an official body or watchdog. We are a review website that helps prospective home sellers to more easily evaluate home buying companies in a straightforward and transparent manner. Our reviews on fast home buying companies and resources offer information and guidance to homeowners so that they can make a balanced and measured decision on the company that they choose. Our information aims to prevent potential home sellers falling prey to unethical fast home buying companies. We know that it is confusing to decide between home buying companies. The sharp practices and unethical approaches employed by some companies add to the confusion. Our objective reviews enable potential home sellers to evaluate their options. Our reviews are independently compiled using external data based on a 17 point checklist. Each review takes several weeks to put together because we audit and fact check everything thoroughly. We also display companies that we don’t partner with, as long as we think they are legitimate. Since the fast home buying sector in the UK is unregulated, our mission is to empower consumers with solid, verifiable information.