About |
Based in Brighton and Hove, pureHEALTH pureSPORT use a private studio to deliver a wide variety of personal training services to clients throughout the local area. The company is dedicated to helping people enjoy a healthy lifestyle and helps athletes of all sports and abilities to improve performance.
“Enjoy a Healthy Lifestyle!” - This is the pureHEALTH motto. Fitness can be fun, it can be interesting and you can enjoy a healthier way of life. Personal training is named such for a reason; it’s all about you. In our sessions we’ll discover exactly what training methods you like and respond to best in order to make each session as enjoyable as possible.
“Improve Your Performance!” - This is what pureSPORT is all about and where our functional approach is maximised. Sport specific training is set with one goal in mind, which is to improve your performance through physical strength and conditioning. We think about every aspect of your sport and use professional training methods to approach each one. From speed and agility to skill development, from injury prevention to reaction speed, from match analysis to match fitness, we consider it all.
pureHEALTH pureSPORT currently run the Strength & Conditioning programme at Hove RFC, where players have already commented that our work has been "invaluable on both an individual and team level". We have also recently been confirmed to run the Strength & Conditioning programme, as well as all pre-season fitness training for Sussex Merlins Rugby League, the county's fastest growing sports club.
From elite athletes in sprinting, surfing, mma and rugby to anyone who just wants to be fitter and feel healthier, pureHEALTH pureSPORT provide the ultimate service at affordable prices.