
Offering the convenience of one inexpensive psychological instrument
to quickly and accurately assess depression, anxiety, anger, and much more.

The Quick Psychoaffective Symptoms Scan (Qpass) is a self-report measure of the severity of depression, anxiety, anger, and related constructs.

Each of the 105 Qpass items is rated on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely).

Qpass takes only about 10 minutes to complete.

Other Features

In addition to depression, anxiety, and anger, Qpass measures

   * Global Psychopathology
   * Psychoticism
   * Obsessive-Compulsivity
   * Phobic Avoidant Behavior
   * Suicide Risk
   * Violence Risk
   * 14 subscales for depression, anxiety, and anger.

In sum, Qpass measures a total of 23 constructs of interest to clinicians and researchers in about 10 minutes!

How Qpass Saves You Time and Money:

Qpass measures depression, anxiety and anger in substantially less time than a test battery would take using the BDI-II, BAI and STAXI and at much less the cost.

The best psychological instruments measuring depression, anxiety, and anger – three important emotional dimensions of psychopathology – were independently developed. Hence, the accurate measurement of all three emotions would require assembling a time-consuming, cumbersome and expensive test battery. Qpass was designed to offer clinicians and researchers the convenience of one, high-quality instrument to quickly and accurately assess depression, anxiety, anger, and even more.

"Qpass is practical, easy to administer, and easy to score. Very useful in busy counseling practice settings," states David Rising, Ed.D., Counseling Psychologist,
Williamsport, PA.  

Additional information about QPASS, including a "Quick Facts" pdf download, can be found at QPASSLive.com.  QPASS is available for purchase by mental health professionals with a graduate degree and at least one graduate course in testing and measurement.

About QPASS: QPASS is published by Heartland Publishing of Rockford Illinois. QPASS is authored by Dr. Scott Lownsdale, Ed.D., a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in private practice in Rockford, Illinois since 1993. His articles have been published in the Journal of Personality Assessment and the Journal of Psychology & Theology.