About |
While running marketing, branding, advertising, website design and digital marketing at some of the world's largest brands, we understand the importance of Results.
Q&A Marketing Agency provides the full range of Strategic, Implementation and R.O.I Tracking Services necessary to help… Our Clients Get More Customers. Our marketing agency team takes an integrated approach to building your business, fast. Q&A take a Strategic Approach to the development of a winning growth strategy to build your business... an Integrated Marketing approach to the implementation of all marketing campaign efforts... and, a Continuous R.O.I. Improvement approach to tracking the effectiveness of your marketing investments. Which Means: Better use of your time… your team’s time… and, your financial resources.
Strategic Marketing Services: Our marketing agency helps clients refine their Customer, Brand & Marketing Strategy. Our marketing agency's unique Voice of the Customer Research process quantifies customer and prospective customer's perceptions & preferences. New customer insights help us refine your brand strategy & message. The new, customer-focused brand value proposition drives the Marketing Strategy to deliver the desired business results.
Marketing Communications Services: Our marketing agency incorporates the full range of brand messaging, brand marketing, creative concepts, copywriting, graphic design, creative production, media advertising, media planning, media buying, media management, direct mail marketing, direct response marketing, website design, website development, website optimization, eMail marketing, social media marketing, search engine marketing, pay-per-click marketing and digital marketing.
Marketing Analytics & R.O.I. Service: Our marketing agency ensures each client’s marketing campaign integrates into an optimal blend of new customer acquisition, current customer optimization and best customer retention marketing that delivers the desired business result. By tracking the results of all marketing investments daily and reporting those results monthly our marketing agency quickly identifies what's working and what's not. Our focus on measurement, supported by our exclusive Q&A Marketing Metrics process, enables our clients to... Get More Customers.
Q&A's Integrated Marketing Agency clients get a comprehensive approach to growing their business, with added accountability for success. By tasking our marketing agency with preparing an annual business, brand and marketing performance analysis as well as preparing annual marketing plan recommendations; our clients make better use of their time (and their team's time) which frees them up to focus on better business, brand & marketing ideas and investment decisions.
Our marketing strategy team prepares monthly plans, within the approved budget, to achieve our client's business objectives. The plans include detailing the specific actions, activities & efforts our marketing agency will implement on behalf of the client including any Marketing Communications (TV, radio, print, outdoor, direct mail, collateral & event marketing), Website Marketing or Digital Marketing efforts.
Clients get full support from our marketing agency's creative team (copywriting & graphic design), production team (produces and traffics all marketing materials per each media/vendors' specifications), media team (negotiates terms, places orders, verifies delivery and reconciles invoices) & Marketing R.O.I. performance tracking & reporting team which handles monthly metrics on the performance of all client marketing efforts our marketing agency manages.