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New Daily Deal Web Site with Differentiation Features Really Great Deals.
Wine, Women and Song, as well as Spas, Chiropractors and Salons to be Featured on Daily Deal Website
Quopons.com a New Daily Deal Website that offers consumers “Really Great Deals” on the best food, services, goods and events. Quopons is located in Ft.. Lauderdale and is a great place to reach millions of people due to the proximity to Boca Raton and multi cultural Miami, which is only rivaled by the United Nations. There are more diverse restaurants, activities and events to explore here than anywhere. How exciting for everyone!
Quopons brings you “Really Great Deals” at discounts up to 90% off on everything from Sushi to Italian, Body Sculpting to Botox, Lasik, massages, theaters and sky diving…something for everyone and a way to get all of this for FREE for qualifying customers.
With the price of oil skyrocketing and people putting their money into their gas tank, how are they going to keep going to spas, hair salons, enjoying restaurants and their lives? Right now the answer is Quopons. Think about it – gas goes up and other lifestyles usually suffer, right? People don’t go out, they don’t travel and merchants suffer too – well, Quopons can help people to still get out there and go places, do things and eat out, and merchants love this too. Quopons helps our customers to have a balanced life by also taking care of personal needs such as going to the hair salon while reducing financial stress associated with every day necessities.
We are consumer driven right down to what our consumers want, which we deliver. Sure, there are other sites that offer similar deals but we are not imitating, we are initiating. You will see new features and functions that no one else is offering. Again, all focused on the customer’s experience.
Today, the most successful online sites are those that embrace and enhance technology to connect merchants with consumers and leverage social networks for the good of all. We reach out to Merchants and create an unbeatable and unbelievable Deal that Consumers will really want. We send out an email which only Features this One Deal to our subscribers. They can buy the Deal but in order for the Deal to “activate”, a minimum number of people need to buy the deal, thereby encouraging people to contact friends to buy the deal through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Merchants love these deals because a lot of new, happy pre-paid customers visit their stores, usually with friends, creating a win-win for everyone. Merchants receive a fantastic advertising opportunity for new customers they were not able to reach with traditional advertising and our Subscribers get a Fantastic Deal to try a new place.
During Quopons first month, we will be featuring European Facial Massage, teeth whitening, chiropractic care, Brazilian Hair Straightening and many other exciting Deals. During our second month, well that is where you are going to see and experience truly great new experiences as we focus on the consumer’s experience.
Quopons hopes to attract new subscribers, even if they are buying from other sites. Customers tell us they are buying Deals they want regardless of who offers it – which means Deals are not mutually exclusive, so rather than an adversarial relationship with other deal sites, we both end up serving consumers even more.
That’s truly a win-win for everyone.
About Quopons:
Quopons is based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida provides electronic distribution of “Really Great Deals” from Fantastic Merchants on everything to see, do, eat, try and buy around town. Quopons brings eager buyers to local merchants and provides all marketing and sales for a win-win for everyone. For more information or to get FREE emails for “Really Great Deals”, subscribe at http://quopons.com. Merchants, please visit us to be Featured on Quopons.com.