
Founded in 2005, Qype is Europe’s largest site for user-generated reviews and recommendations of places, events and experiences. Qype has up to 17 million unique visitors per month, and more than 1.3 million public reviews covering 158,000 European towns and cities. Qype allows users to search for and read trusted reviews about a venue or experience - from restaurants and bars to gyms and childcare - and, with Qype’s mobile applications on iPhone, Blackberry and Android, users can read and add reviews on their phone and use the application as a personal sat-nav to their chosen location.

For more information about Qype please visit www.qype.co.uk

To request further information or an interview please contact Nicola Brookes or James Godwin at Loud Group on 01235 834277.

Alternatively email nicola.brookes@loudgroup.com or james.godwin@loudgroup.com