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The Equipotel 2009 in numbers:
- 82% of its visitors have been in the Fair with the intention of purchase or search for products and suppliers;
- 45,2% of its visitors were from Sao Paulo metropolitan area, 26,1% from São Paulo state countryside and 28,7% came from other states or countries;
- 35,8% of its visitors were from the food segment; 31,5% from hospitality industry; 14,4% from trade and service; 5,3% from industry sector; 5% from architecture; 2,2% from condominium, clubs and shopping malls; and 2% from hospitals and health clinics;
- Key position of the visitors: 38% were owners/ partners; 17% managers; 11% buyers/ supervisors/ coordinators; 9% President; and 9% professional person;
- more than 17 countries have been represented by expositors, among them are South Africa, Germany, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Spain, USA, France, United Kingdom, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, Saudi Arabia and more.
Equipotel 2010
Date: September 13th to 16th, 2010
Time: 1pm to 9pm (entry until 8pm)
Place: Pavilhão de Exposições do Anhembi (Anhembi Parque)
Address: Olavo Fontoura Avenue, 1209 – São Paulo - SP