
We are one of the UK’s fastest growing free online business networks, helping you to get your business connected. Raw Business offers all registered members monthly subscription to Raw Business Magazine, which we post directly to your door. We are the only UK networking company to offer unlimited online business networking and entrepreneur business support as well as monthly delivery of our leading 100+ page business and entrepreneur magazine completely free of charge. Registering with Raw Business could not be easier.

You can start networking your business with thousand's of like-minded entrepreneurs and business owners today!

What can Raw Business do for you?

Raw Business is a leading UK online business network that provides business networking opportunities by utilising our business database and network for entrepreneurs. Raw Business magazine continues to grow each month in content and quality and is on the edge of becoming the de facto UK business magazine.

“If I knew what I know now about the power of business networking I would have started years ago. I never dreamed that I would met people like David and Jacqueline Gold, Charlie Mullins and Richard Farleigh. The contacts that I now have means that I know just about everybody for everything. Everybody should network – It is now the essential business survival tool”

Bradley Chapman - MD