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The Refugee Center Online facilitates successful refugee resettlement transitions by strengthening access to resources and helping refugees build community through shared knowledge.
RCO’s interactive, multi-language website provides educational opportunities and general information about American society, and connects refugees with services, programs, and organizations in their new communities.
Our programs are divided into two areas: Resources and Community.
The goal of our online center is to help refugees gain the knowledge and skills they need to build new lives in the US. The content on our site provides a basic overview and background of life in the US with a focus on education, career, health, daily life, rights and laws, and culture. Our online center is available in refugee languages and includes interactive online courses. The Refugee Center Online continues to build and improve our content based on the needs of the refugees we serve.
We are currently in the process of creating two new programs, a GED Preparation Program to help refugees earn their high school equivalency diplomas and a Refugee School Success program to train US teachers how to support refugees in their classrooms.
Social networks help refugees and asylees integrate into their communities. Connections with people and institutions assist with informing refugees and asylees of services, rights, and opportunities. Social networks also provide psychological and social benefits such as higher self-esteem and sense of self-identity and belonging.
Through technology, RCO is creating connections for refugees who seeking additional support networks to overcome trauma and achieve their career and life goals. The RCO sees those we serve as part of our community. RCO is striving to build three different types of social connections for refugee integration.