
What is is a Canadian classifieds site focused on providing paid classified listing services to restaurants & bars owners. Our site is focused on enabling equipment, service and employment opportunity listings for the restaurant & bar industries.


Our Mission’s mission is to be the equipment, service and employment hub for restaurant & bar owners, suppliers and employees. We aim to be the quickest, cheapest and most efficient way to offload restaurant & bar equipment, offering relevant restaurant & bar services and hiring restaurant & bar employees. 

Why we exist ...
Because restaurant & bar owners across Canada do not have one place they can go to for all of their equipment, service and employment needs.


Who lists on
Customers listing on include:

  • Restaurant & bar owners to list new & used equipment items they want to sell
  • Restaurant & bar owners to list available job positions available they want to fill
  • Service providers to advertise services specifically tailored to restaurant & bar businesses


Who browses
Users browsing include:

  • Restaurant & bar owners looking to purchase equipment or services
  • Hotel & hospitality owners / managers looking to purchase equipment or services
  • Prospects looking for employment opportunities within the restaurant & bar busines Classified Ads – Restaurant Equipment, Bar Equipment, Restaurant Jobs, Bar Jobs and Food Jobs in Canada
Classified Ads For Restaurants & Bars: Find Restaurant Equipment Being Sold By Other Owners!