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Are you worried about retirement? Would you like to know when you can apply for Social Security and how much your benefit will be? What Medicare will cover? Or when your retirement plan starts to pay off? These can be challenging and often overwhelming questions, and Retirement Basics answers them in simple easy-to-understand language. It discusses the options available and how to apply for them. It gives you the information to make informed choices. Want to know the least expensive places to live in the U.S.? What about the most popular places to retire overseas and the requirements to live there? These topics are discussed as well as easy ways to improve your health and decrease your medical expenses, how to write a will, how to save more and earn more. The essence is to figure out how to get the most out of what you have, how to be engaged and involved in your retirement process, and to bring about a richer more fulfilling experience. ” If you’d like to achieve a working knowledge of the approaching aspects of life, this book shares that information in a clear concise manner with warmth and humor. This book is practical, relevant, timely and a great asset to everyone looking ahead to a longer life.” —Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D., CEO, Age Wave