About |
Rebecca Kirson is a transformational coach for life and business, Akashic Record Practitioner, and inspirational speaker who is committed to raising her clients’ levels of awareness so they can live in alignment with their Soul's Purpose and authentic truth. A life of fulfillment doesn’t just happen to us; we create it with conscious awareness, a defined vision, and commitment towards our life design.
Rebecca works with clients to give them the intuitive wisdom and soul-level healing from the Akashic Records in conjunction with loving guidance and support as they began to shift the areas of their lives where they are playing small and hiding their light. Rebecca has an Executive MBA, plus a background in Psychology, Human Development, and Family Studies. She is also a certified Soul Realignment Practitioner™ and Soul Realignment Practitioner for Business and Financial Abundance™.
Her wisdom encompasses expanding one's consciousness, the dynamics and effect of family and relationships, and navigating the journey of Entrepreneurship.
Rebecca’s business, Your Sacred Truth (www.yoursacredtruth.com), embraces the mission to “Expand Awareness for the Journey of Your Soul.” Rebecca works with clients via Akashic Record Readings, individual coaching sessions, inspirational classes, and workshops, and she has a monthly show on the Wisdom and Intuition Network (WIN) which airs the third Thursday of the month. You can learn more about this monthly program at http://www.worldclasswin.com.