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Robert Land Academy is a highly structured not-for-profit Canadian private military boarding school. Located in Wellandport, Ontario, it has provided a safe, healthy, living and learning environment for boys in grades 6-12 for over 30 years. The military model reinforces the importance of accepting personal responsibility, organization, teamwork, and self discipline.
Over 70 staff assist students in developing self-confidence and self-worth through genuine academic achievement and personal maturation.
Boys are admitted based upon their potential rather than their past. Many have experienced difficulties related to attitude, concentration, focus, respect, or have been diagnosed as ADD, ADHD, ODD or LD.
The vast majority of boys experience a dramatic increase in their academic marks, level of physical fitness, and improve relationships with their families within the first year at the Academy.
Each boy's level of health and fitness is greatly improved through proper diet and exercise resulting in an improved attitude toward life and its challenges. This positive attitude combined with concentrated academic remediation, tutorials, and mandatory supervised study halls, invariably results in a fresh opportunity for success and a healthy self-image.
Robert Land Academy’s military theme is the foundation of its structured and disciplined learning and living community. Value-based expectations for proper conduct, with clearly defined rules and roles, has as their objective the accepting of responsibility for personal choice and the development of rational thought.
With a focus on the development of mind, body and character, the Academy addresses the needs of the boy as a whole in order that he can actualize his potential through gaining mastery over himself. Robert Land Academy utilizes a military model to reinforce the importance of structure, discipline, accountability and self-determination. The demanding intellectual and physical challenges are accompanied by training support and encouragement to assist each student in developing self-confidence and self-worth through genuine achievement.
The highly structured environment at Robert Land Academy is intended to support and encourage boys to reach their potential. Responsibility and accountability are stressed as a means toward producing the realization that each action has consequences. Boys who do not behave appropriately are subject to discipline that includes physical exercise and loss of privileges. More severe issues can result in loss of rank, loss of weekend leaves or labour duties around the Academy.
The purpose of the program is to help boys to help themselves to become the best that they can be whether this is in the context of preparing to do an assignment in mathematics or practicing for the upcoming basketball game. Our goal is to stimulate the growth of a sense of responsibility and self-determination and by so doing prepare each boy for a, fulfilled productive and happy adulthood.
Boys are admitted to Robert Land Academy based upon our assessment of their potential for success. The majority of our boys have experienced some level of difficulty related to attitude, concentration, focus, respect for authority or respect for themselves. A significant portion of them them have been described as being ADD, ADHD, ODD, or some other form of Learning Disability.
An overwhelming majority of our students experience a dramatic improvement in their academic performance and success within the first semester of enrolment. In 2010, 100 per cent of the graduates who applied to the college or university were accepted.
In addition to improved academic performance, the average boy’s level of health and fitness is greatly improved through diet, exercise and activity. Issues with weight, poor levels of physical fitness and general lethargy are positively addressed through mandatory participation in all aspects of the program. Improved physical fitness contributes to a more positive outlook towards life, greater self-confidence and higher energy levels. These combined with concentrated remediation and structured mandatory study halls results in a and a fresh chance for success.
Robert Land Academy is located in a country setting on 168 acres in the heart of the historic Niagara Peninsula approximately 45 minutes from the U.S.-Canada border at Niagara Falls. The Academy’s isolated setting enables operating within an environment that is free from the harmful distractions and influences that can often result in underachievement or confused priorities. The facilities include a fully equipped academic complex and library building, three large barracks together with a senior student residence, gymnasium, dining hall, outdoor sports fields, and administration buildings.
With approximately 160 students, 65% originate from Canada, 25% from the US, and 10% from Europe and other parts of the world.