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**** rt2u.info **** "route-to-you"
Earn from ANY website, blog or content on the web ..... even if it’s not yours!
We will create a rt2u short URL for your existing website or blog (or any other website or blog, even if it’s not yours - see below). Use the rt2u short URL in your marketing campaigns in e-mails, posting comments, articles or social networking sites like Twitter or Facebook and more.
When someone clicks on your rt2u short URL, we will route them to our specialized Web Router page which will display your own slogan (you send us whatever you want to be displayed) along with Your Google Adsense picture ads. This Web Router page acts as an introductory page to your website or blog, or to ANY website or blog, even if it’s not yours. This allows the visitor to read a little bit about you or what you offer, and also lets you earn from impressions and clicks on your Google Adsense picture ads.
After a short interim on the Web Router page, the visitor is routed directly to your website or blog content, which is enclosed in a rt2u Web-in-Web. The rt2u Web-in-Web is a page which displays your website or blog (or any other website or blog of your choice), along with Your Google Adsense picture ads displayed along the border. So throughout, you have multiple opportunities to earn from impressions and clicks, whether the content is yours or not!
rt2u also lists your rt2u Web-in-Web page in effective search engines and directories across the web to help generate more traffic automatically for your website or blog. This helps to create a different and enhanced marketing identity for your content.
Website: http://rt2u.info
Live Demo: http://rt2u.info/101