
Pascal Esparon said that while a number of businesses have already registered, many more want further details, which he supplied to Tourism Nation, saying:

"All Seychelles tourism related businesses, hotels, guesthouses, self-catering, yachts, dive centres, car hire, charter companies, local travel agents and their overseas

counterparts, tour operators and airlines can register".

Giving the benefits of registering, he said that by being enrolled, enterprises enter into a business relationship.

"This will give us the opportunity to know you, the products and services that you are selling. Our strong marketing team can then add value to your business and to help

you succeed.

"There is no need to spend money in developing your own little web site and the hassle of having to keep it up to date,” he said adding that the company has a secure

environment where organisations can do their business the way they want, having been granted access to state-of-the-art technology through the travel portal.

"The company will take care of all the payment hassle and security associated with online payment and transfers of money into the individuals’ bank account after they’ve

received it from the customer. Mr Esparon also went on to mention other benefits, saying:

"We take care of all your business rules; for example, time to conclude booking, non-refundable deposits, no shows, and cancellations, and minimise your printed

advertising cost meaning greater savings to your company."

According to the CEO, the biggest advantage is that businesses cease to operate in a singular market and begin doing business with the world.

"The concerns are then in direct touch with their customers as they are hosted on a portal that promotes Seychelles and they will not find their products competing with

other destinations on the same portal," Mr Esparon said.

"Another advantage is that your money will be managed via a reputed regional bank with offices in the Seychelles, the entire portal including your information will be

encrypted to avoid illegal sniffing from unwanted source and your access to the portal will be password protected," he informed Tourism Nation.

The CEO said that only the latest in online payment technology will be used, to ensure the security of the interests of the person using the electronic payment method, the

issuing bank and the acquiring merchant bank.