
Secondary Task redefines job hunting. Created by students, Secondary Task is a social media job and volunteer resource for students.

Our aim is to make the traditional job hunting experience a thing of the past by allowing users to rate, comment, review, and recommend jobs. By making job hunting interactive, potential job seekers have the chance to ask questions without having to go through the trouble of contacting the employers directly, and students who have worked at a particular job can give honest feedback and tips that both employers and job seekers can use.

Built on the idea that great employers don’t always have to be brand name stores, Secondary Task encourages local businesses to post their jobs to students completely free. Students are the most underrepresented portion of the workforce so by connecting them with local businesses, Secondary Task hopes to help the community. Having just been launched, Secondary Task currently operates within the Greater Vancouver region but looks to expand into other cities soon.

Visit us at http://secondarytask.com/