
Sherri D. Motes, Author and Founder of Come Into Your OWN is a speaker, digital strategist, collaborationist and a Mother.

Come Into Your OWN books – A 31 Day Experience and A 31 Day Leadership Transformation (co-authored by Sherri D. Motes and Gordon Tredgold, Author of FAST) have been touted as “The People’s Book(s)” by CBS Anchor and OWN Ally, Marybeth Conley. Sherri has authored additional published books, and is featured periodically in magazines and op-eds as a digital strategist and business columnist.

Sherri invests valuable resources into people for sustainable success by coaching them to discover their authentic voice, craft a strong message that resonates, and then, share their exclusive story with confidence and poise. Each level is ultimately accomplished through sweat equity combined with consistent implementation of a customized digital strategy.

Sherri trains clients through private, group and corporate sessions as an impetus to increase social media intelligence. Contributing to University of Memphis, Fogelman College of Business and Economics, among others, through periodic speaking, training and development, Sherri has received awards from a variety of reputable educational entities.
Sherri SpeakingAs Founder of parent company, Business Over Coffee international (BOCI), Sherri D. Motes has mastered the art of collaboration through digital citizenship. She has hosted regular radio and television programs on a variety of media channels including @KWAM990, a CBS affiliate, as Co-Host of The Marybeth Conley Show.

As a result of her work to Bring Everyone Together, the mission of Business Over Coffee International, Gubernatorial and Mayoral Proclamations have proclaimed the first Thursday in December, Together Strong Day, over a five year period.