
ShowMe-TellMe is an appraisal model allowing the user to capture any organisation's operating model objectively. A heatmap is built to show how effectively the team manages all aspects of third-party data. However, the tool is somewhat different from what you would expect; the technology component is seen as just one aspect of the overall picture, as it examines organisational behaviour, practices, and outputs.

The design for ShowMe-Tellme came from one of our founders who has spent, let's say, far too long working in organisational transformation and spent time at Carnegie Mellon studying operational design measurement and optimisation modelling in the 2000s and has used her knowledge to help some of the world's best-known organisations to improve their service delivery. Those learnings were brought to the table in 2020 when the design process began for ShowMe-TellMe.

We're based in the UK, the US, and Ireland and have been since day one. It's the modern way of working. The team has an individual with an average of 20 of technology experience, a former investment banker, a former senior management Mam member from Microsoft, ex-UK military, graphic designers, and lawyers (we deliberately left them till last). We're a female-led organisation that holds all forms of diversity core to its values; we celebrate and welcome everyone equally.