About |
Shutter Guardin will be a manufacturer of a
Patented tangible consumer product, providing
accessories and service based in Vero Beach,
Florida. The company will look to revolutionize the
emergency board-up and storm panel industry by
developing a true security system that empowers the
users an affordable solution for protecting their
home, rental or business properties against sever
weather conditions, panel theft, burglary and
vandalism. Invented and founded by Ms. Tammy
Huddleston, Shutter Guardian will also look to offer
increased marketing and advertising to established
contractors and suppliers that are a part of the
company network. Aligning with Shutter Guardian
will give these companies the ability to strengthen
their bonds with their customers. These enhanced
bonds will easily translate into increased revenue and
profits for these industries at a fraction of the costs that would be incurred if other marketing activities were used. Plans call for the company to primarily service the state of Florida region. Once the foundation has been established in the
Florida state region, the founder will begin visiting the possibilities of expanding into other states in the national region and perhaps pursuing a global presence.
The industry is growing at a fairly rapid pace as more and more customers are demanding the “affordable security solutions” to protect their properties inside of their own homes and businesses. These demands are fueling the increase
in security services and bode well for the future growth prospect of companies like Shutter Guardian. Government branches like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) statistics show every 14 seconds a home intrusion are committed and only 17% of homes in the US have some type of security system. This next major move in the security product and service industry and one whose time has certainly come. The poor national economy and unempolyment are two factors that are driving the growth of the security products and service. Customers who typically ignored prior to the recession have now come back to realize how desperate criminals have become. While these customers have come back, they are now willing to come out; hence the need for security products and services like Shutter Guardian that unites the customer and the security industry and satisfies of their distinct needs.
Marketing for Shutter Guardian will be done mainly through a variety of established contractors and supply companies with new and existing customer base. These companies will profit from the sale and service of Shutter Guardian products and accessories with mutualy benificial promotional alliance.
Internet being the primary driver. The company has already developed a user friendly portal(www.shutterguardian.com) that outlines all of the products and services that are being offered. Moving forward plans call for an ecommerce purchase website (www.shutterguardian.biz) to be Search Engine Optimized (SEO) to give it more traction and traffic that ultimately translate into increased revenues and profit margins. The company will also have a social media presence via Facebook.com and Twitter.com. Having these two social media partners gives the company the opportunity to drive a strong word of mouth, authentic marketing message. This is a vitally important point to consider as even though the industry is growing, it is still very much in a significant phase of growth. Having this type of marketing thrust will give the
company the ability to save on marketing costs while driving both market share and profits. Other marketing activities will include loyalty programs and other consumer connector concepts that strengthen the market position. This will give
the company the opportunity to make valuable impressions in this rapidly expanding industry. Print advertising will round out the marketing model with print advertisements being placed in publications that are typically read by members of the targeted audience.