
The Roving Artist is a small group of silhouette artists.  Silhouettes artists cut accurate portraits from paper using just a pair of scissors and and a certain amount of skill.
For the un-initiated, silhouette cutting is an extraordinary miracle of hand-eye co-ordination that most people simply don't believe is possible; the silhouettist chooses a subject, takes a pair of scissors & some black paper, and cuts them out!  From any angle and at any size.  It takes about 90 seconds (if that) and yes, it does look like them! Those chosen (whether willing volunteers or press ganged by their friends) will receive a beautifully crafted cameo portrait of themselves, cut from black paper and professionally mounted onto a printed card.
Charles Burns & Mike Herbert are the main artists of the group, and are to be found at many of the most prestigious events in the country, including an appearance at the Queen's 80th birthday party.