About |
NAPLESPLUS is a free service of NeighborHelp Referrals.
NeighborHelp Referrals is a business referral service, primarily supporting Affordable Trapping - removal of rats, raccoons, armadillos, opossums, snakes, bees, dead animal removal.
As part of our outreach to the Collier County community, free.naplesplus.us is provided as a place for individuals and businesses to add events, claim existing company profiles or add one if we don't have it. One can also submit local news, post jobs, create your company or personal blog. We provide extensive RSS feeds. Reviewing local area businesses is strongly encouraged.
We are working on becoming the #1 destination for local people, rather like an old fashioned bulletin board system (BBS).
It's a community effort to build it up and behind the scenes is Kenneth Udut, founder of naplesplus.us. A Microsoft Excel guru, he is tirelessly promoting (for free) local area businesses and events on various online services. He is also obsessively collecting EVERYTHING regarding Collier County in one place.