
SlashNext's mission is to protect millions of organizations worldwide against the dangers of BEC, phishing and other cybercrime attacks in all email, mobile and web messaging, and communication channels. Deployed in minutes, the SlashNext Completeā„¢ integrated cloud email, mobile and web messaging security platform utilizes patented SlashNext AI technology to detect, predict and stop real-time messaging threats, SPAM and Graymail with extraordinary 99.9% accuracy in Microsoft 365, SMS/Text, Gmail, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Telegram, Slack, Teams, and over 3K+ messaging and communication apps. SlashNext is trusted by global organizations with over eight million mailboxes, endpoints and APIs protected. Be extraordinary and take advantage of SlashNext's Integrated Cloud Messaging Security for email, browser, and mobile to protect your organization from BEC, phishing and cybercrime today.