
SmarterThanAlbert is powered by a certified genius, a member of Mensa with a 167 IQ, higher than Einstein’s 160.  

Our Mission is to provide a forum for people to get unbiased genius answers to their questions.

We are targeting:

•     College age kids - highly technical engineering, physics or math homework.
•     Adults thirty and above

Who are interested in:
o     Why things are the way they are
o     How things work
o     Philosophical questions
o     Morality questions

Some of our readers will want to try to prove SmarterThanAlbert wrong or try to outdo him.
•     Some will want to outdo Bob

SmarterThanAlbert.com will target several select segments.  Although almost anyone would love to have a genius provide unbiased fact-based answers to questions that arise in their lives ideal constituents will be:

•     Professional
•     Urban
•     Well read
•     Web savvy
•     Valued by potential advertiser
•     Social media actives
•     Trend-setters

Their personalities
•     Inquisitive
•     Respectfully argumentative
•     Logical
•     Politically active
•     Smart, educated or sophisticated and less educated - needing validation
•     Respectful in the Ask Bob “forum”

What they like to do
•     Learn
•     Debate
•     Share knowledge
•     Trail blaze - Be the first
•     Be the most knowledgeable
•     Solve puzzles
•     Solve problems