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Soberjobs.com is an employment job board for people seeking careers and opportunities in the alcohol drug treatment industry and mental health specialties.
Finding a job requires skills such as how to interview and knowledge of dress codes for job interviews. Our resources will help assist with your career management by marketing yourself for a new job, job search advice, listing job skills assessments and networking. If you’ve been recently terminated, laid off or a retiree returning to work, we’ll show you methods of seeking employment from newspapers, online job boards, writing resumes, cover letters and obtaining references for your new employer.
There will also be some almost standard procedures from employers to understand. These include, background checks, drug testing and sometimes credit checks. Health benefits, 401K plans, performance bonuses and promotions are the rewards of finding and securing your job. An employment recruiter can also assist in finding the complete package for you.
Your first day on the job will be exciting. New practices for socially networking in your job profession and continuing education is the key to sustaining a long happy career.