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The Social Justice Party Of Canada is committed to building a strong and free Canada for the 21st Century. We believe that serious fundamental changes are necessary in order for Canada to continue to prosper and ensure the highest possible quality of life for all Canadian citizens. Below is a brief overview of some key issues from our official party platform.
Social Justice Party of Canada Official Platform - Key Issues
- Term Limits
We believe that entering political office is a public service undertaken to help enrich the lives of all Canadians, NOT to enrich yourself and serve special interest groups. All Social Justice Party candidates take an oath to serve only 1 term if elected, this includes the leader of the party. If elected we would introduce term limit legislation for all MP's.
- Education
Canada must make education a national priority if we are to compete in the 21st century. We will substantially increase investment in all levels of education, we should also look into alternative market based approaches to improving education outcomes. The Federal Government should also provide all the provinces with infrastructure credits to build new schools that are desperately needed in many communities across the country.
- Senior Citizens
The way Canada has treated it's senior citizens is shameful, too many seniors have had to choose between medication, and food, this is unacceptable. We would introduce legislation that would immediately increase the rate of pensions for all seniors, furthermore pension rates would raise yearly with the real rate of inflation. Seniors should have a right to reasonably priced accommodations, free public transit, top quality medical care, and affordable (or free) prescription medications. Senior citizens have a right to live in dignity and will never again have to make the choice between medications, and food.
- Family and Children
Today more than 1 in 7 Canadian children live in poverty, in fact Canada ranked in 15th place when measured against 17 peer countries. These numbers surprise most Canadians, but even more surprising is that the long term costs associated with child poverty are well known, yet still nothing has been done to address this issue. The steady war against the traditional family in Canada is also continuing at an ever increasing pace. The Social Justice Party is committed to ending child poverty in Canada, this issue is one that all Canadians will get behind. Through a combination of legislation, partnership with community groups, and increased funding we will work urgently to END child poverty in Canada.
- Natural Resources
Canada's vast natural resources should be used to enrich the lives of Canadian citizens and not to increase the profits of large foreign multi-national corporations. We will introduce legislation that would immediately nationalize all of our undeveloped Natural Resources, furthermore it would require that all current development of natural resources be done only by Canadian owned corporations. We would also immediately move to BAN the export of all RAW Canadian natural resources, and to develop or re-activate the infrastructure necessary to develop these resources within Canada. This will provide hundreds of thousands of new high paying Canadian jobs and ensure that our natural resources are developed in a sustainable manner.
- Health Care
Canada has a long history of providing every citizen with comprehensive affordable health care. We believe that our system should be a model for the rest of the world, instead we seem to be an example of why national health care can't work. The main problem with our current health care in Canada is massive mismanagement, poor incentive for doctors, and the war against health care unions across the country. We will work tirelessly to reduce waste, improve management, and improve morale among front line health care workers.
- Tax System
Our current tax system is extremely complicated and provides major loopholes for large multi-national corporations, and is unfair to all Canadian citizens. We would introduce legislation to implement a flat tax system for all Canadian citizens and corporations, this will result in massive savings in CRA administration costs. A flat tax system would also greatly reduce the tax bill for all Canadians, and it would also increase the amount of revenue collected from taxation. A flat tax system would also create a very favorable environment for the creation and growth of innovative small and medium sized businesses, this would result in the creation of 100,000 plus new jobs.
The complete Social Justice Party of Canada Official Platform can be found on our website at this link; http://socialjusticeparty.ca/official-platform/social-justice-party-of-canada-platform