
Somerville Community Corporation is a membership organization working to sustain affordability and livability for the residents of Somerville, Mass.  Our members reflect the economic, racial, linguistic and ethnic diversity that makes Somerville such a vibrant, diverse, tolerant and desirable community. With them, we focus on amplifying the power of the city's low and moderate-income people, recent immigrants, and generational descendants earlier immigrants.

Our Approach
We have adopted a three-pronged approach to ensuring the Somerville remains affordable for low and moderate income people. With our members, we:

Organize the community to promote policies (such as inclusionary housing, linkage and the preservation of expiring-use housing) that enhance the regulatory and funding environment for affordable housing and good jobs for Somerville residents.

Develop and preserve as many affordable housing units as we can in response to community-driven planning and organizing – thereby taking those units off the speculative real estate market. And we are committed to using green and sustainable design principles.

Create access to opportunities for our constituents, through financial education, counseling, asset-building programs, as well our First Source Jobs Program.

Learn more at: http://somervillecdc.org/about