About |
Clairvoyant Spirit Medium Laura is Accredited as Professional Mental Medium by ASSMPI (American Society for Standards in Mediumship and Psychical Investigation), is an Afterlife Data Research Medium, Certified L.E.A.N. Health Coach, graduate of Center for Spiritual Living Educational Program, author of several books and The Soul Psychic Healer Mediumship Certification Program, featured in “Top 100 Psychics and Astrologers in America.”
She has been manifesting for over 50 years, channeling St. Ignatius Loyola as her Master Guide for over 30 years, discovering recently this is same Master Guide to famed Brazilian healer John of God. Much more detailed at www.SpiritMediumLaura.com.
Testimonial About Clairvoyant Spirit Medium Laura by Dennis Grega, Ph.D., who leads the Afterlife Data “Voices Across The Veil” Research Mediumship Program.
“Superb, Magnificent and Marvelous’ session!!!! I sat enthralled watching and listening in the background. I loved seeing the smiles on both sitter’s faces. They will remember this forever as will I. Thank you so very much! Absolutely Amazing!!”
Areas of Expertise
**After Life Mediumship and Life Messages from an accredited research medium. Mediumship is to loved ones in spirit to heal grief and the existential crisis of physical survival. Messages are with your guides for solutions to life issues. Samples of work in video on right sidebar of website www.SpiritMediumLaura.com.
**Manifesting Mediumship with John of God entities. Remove karmic blocks to align with your soul purpose to live at the higher frequency of miracles.
>>Remote Influence/Telepathy. A form of manifesting to influence the behavior of another to heal, release or recover for highest good.
**Medical Mediumship, Intuitive Healing and Certified Health Coaching for healing, insight and further investigation with licensed medical professionals of your choice.
**Mediumship Training. Laura offers a 4 month Certification Program.
**Spiritual Entrepreneur. Psychic Coaching to create your ideal work (Dharma) based on your soul. Laura has written a book, and a video course on this, described at Course #5 on www.SpiritMediumCoach.com. She specializes in Online Entrepreneur.