
Stephan Schurmann CEO of PowerConcrete Building Technologies Inc. is the responsible day-to-day manager and executive director.

As executive director of PowerConcrete® Inc. Stephan Schurmann is responsible to plan, organize, direct, and control PowerConcrete® Inc. major functions and works through other employees to achieve the organization's goals. The majority of Stephan Schurmann's duties are related to operational or policy management including but not limited to creating strategic partnerships on private and/or Government level for affordable housing and community development programs including financing solutions.

Stephan Schurmann manages the global operations of PowerConcrete® Inc. which is a global Homes Manufacturing and Building Solutions Company as well as an official Mandate Holder & supplier of Portland Cement for clients around the world. We establish turnkey home manufacturing plants worldwide, provide equipment, know-how, training, full backup support to supply (and build) PowerConcrete® Inc. “modular manufactured” Villas in a Box or other in a Box series utilizing the patent pending PowerConcrete® Building System.

Stephan Schurmann has been able to formulate and implement various successful methodologies for value enhancement to client overall investment and real estate portfolios. We pride ourselves on the fact that we maintain a staff of both experienced and educated professionals who bring a variety of diverse experiences to each of our assignments.

PowerConcrete® Building Technologies Inc. is a building and sustainable community development solutions providers for developers across the world.

We ONLY work with home builders and major development firms globally under our turnkey Developer Private Label Program for sustainable, solar powered community developments utilizing the indestructible PowerConcrete™ and PowerBoard™ Building System under an exclusive License Agreement.

We help to rebuild disaster affected Cities with cost efficient, hurricane, water and fire resistant “Grade A” rated non-combustible PowerConcrete building systems. Sustainable, Indestructible, Solar Powered and 100% Green!

Stephan Schurmann and his company POWERCONCRETE™ Building Technologies Inc. has in addition to it's non-combustible POWERCONCRETE™ and POWERBOARD™ building system also created Capital Solutions to help developers and their home buyers with INTEREST FREE home loans and creative financing packages regardless of their credit history and regardless of their credit score!

Unique Selling Points

A PowerConcrete® home will protect people’s life against any of these catastrophic events:

•     Fire
•     Flooding
•     Tornados & Hurricanes up to 250mph (F5 category)
•     Earthquakes up to 7 G
•     Drive by shooting
•     Mold and mildew
•     Termites & other bugs
•     Flying debris

Technology & Expertise:

Stephan Schurmann has created patent pending building systems for POWERCONCRETE™ and PowerFoamCrete™ structures, which are 7G earthquake resistant, 250mph wind resistant, from 2 hours up to more than 4 hours fire resistant, water resistant, black mold and termite resistant. When utilizing the POWERCONCRETE™ building system our structures are 300% faster to construct, last for 100 years plus & provide 50% - 75% energy savings.

The POWERCONCRETE™ home manufacturing technology enables Government Departments, the United Nations, the Red Cross, Caritas and many other organizations to respond to disasters and emergencies within 24 hours and allow for more effective long-term support of recovery efforts, which helps families affected by disaster to resume their normal daily activities independently.

With the POWERCONCRETE™ technology you are able to build and erect an unlimited amount of housing units per day! In addition, our technology combined with our Micro Financing, Lease-to-Own and Interest Free Loan programs helps to reduce poverty and increase the living standards of many nations around the world.

Stephan Schurmann’s ability to use imaginative as well as creative financing solutions, which include Joint Venture Agreements with land owners, as well as Municipality Payment Programs, which allows Governments to pay with Government Bonds and the Establishment of Community Development Trusts for Affordable Housing Developments Nationwide, gives us the opportunity to develop their planned projects with no outgoings or hassle where they otherwise would not be able to do so. This is a truly powerful tool and WIN-WIN-WIN situation that sets PowerConcrete® Building Technologies Inc apart.

For more details on Mr. Stephan Schurmann’s expertise and his company PowerConcrete Building Technologies Inc. please visit: http://www.powerconcrete.com and http://www.stephanschurmann.us