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Streetwisesubbie.com is unique!
It is a web based action platform designed for the exclusive use of Specialist Sub-Contractors in the Construction and Engineering industries.
So if you are involved in installing, constructing, maintaining, repairing, altering, or extending, any aspect of buildings, structures, or any kind of industrial or civil engineering project, Streetwisesubbie.com is an invaluable resource that you will turn to time and time again to help you overcome problems and become ever more successful.
A Comprehensive and Relevant Web Based Action Platform Which Provides You With;
Effective action, Resources, Knowledge, Expertise, Information, Explanation, Training, Reports, Documents, E-mail alerts, Support, Research, Connections, Networking, Camaraderie.
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Is This Contract Onerous? Service So + Si + G
Use Streetwise Wiki to get
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Use Ask Streetwise to ask our
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Use the Streetwise Guides to obtain
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on a whole range subjects to help
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A Free 1/2 hour Initial telephone
consultation on any business topic Si + G
A Free 1/2 hour telephone
consultation every quarter on any topic
related to your business. Valued at £300** Gold only
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Regular e-mails designed to keep
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relevant to Specialist Sub-Contractors So + Si + G
Access to a range of directly relevant
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A Free Standard Sub-Contract to
utilise in your business when
sub-letting any part of your works Si + G
A Free Standard Form Articles of Agreement
for use with the Standard Form Sub-Contract Si + G
Access to a range of Free Standard
Documents for you to download So + Si + G
Free hard copy
Streetwise Guide to Sub-Contracts Si + G
Free hard copy of
"25 Recession Beating Ways
Specialist Sub- Contractors
Make Bigger Profits” Si + G
Regular reviews of the latest books
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*Certain benefits only available to UK based Buddies
** Based on a full years subscription.
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