
We are a website devoted to stud finder tools. The content of our site is broken up into three general categories, including Stud Finder Brands, Stud Finder Technology and Stud Finder Reviews.

In the Stud Finder Brands category, we have information about Stanley and Zircon, the top stud finder names. In these sections are links to products on their respective web pages.

The Stud Finder Technology category is broken into two major technologies, electronic and magnetic, and give short explanations of how each work.

Last, the Stud Finder Reviews category includes reviews on a selection of Stanley and Zircon models to help buyers make informed decisions based on other consumer opinions. Our goal is to help users specifically searching for a stud finder to use for a do it yourself project to wall mount a TV, hang a picture frame or any other project for which a stud finder may be necessary.