
Stylcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency created for beauty professionals who care about the problems of this world and who want to make their voices heard. More specifically, the true purpose of Stylcoin is to unite beauty professionals across the world with a singular focus on ending world hunger.

Our Voice = Millions
The beauty industry - our industry - is one of the largest industries in the world predicted to exceed $716 billion in 2025. More importantly, those of us who provide services in salons, chairs, barbershops, etc., across the globe, reach nearly every human on the planet. By unifying our voices to fight to end world hunger, we can be the voice and action for change.

Creating an Industry Movement
As beauty professionals, we do not operate our businesses in a vacuum of isolation - far from it. We operate our businesses applying one very important concept: building strong relationships with our colleagues and clients.

Salons, spas, and barbershops alike do not typically consist of a single individual providing services. Typically, there are multiple beauty professionals in a single environment working together to provide services to clients. These relationships, along with the fact that Stylcoin can be shared and a referral fee earned, create an opportunity to create a movement within the industry by sharing.

Ten percent (10%) of every Stylcoin that is given away as part of our 25 Billion Coin Giveaway will be donated to fight to end world hunger. The more Stylcoin that is given away - the more colleagues you refer - the closer we get to ending world hunger.

Be the voice of change and register for your free account. Continue the work by referring your colleagues.

Creating Global Awareness
Most beauty professionals truly know their clients. The services we provide to our clients take time, and that time is spent talking, laughing, and sometimes even crying because the relationships that we've built in the chair of our service have been built on trust.

When millions of voices begin to share the purpose of Stlycoin with their clients every day, 10s of millions of people every day across the globe can unite and join the fight to end world hunger. And it just takes a spark, and your voice, our voice, can be the brightest spark to fight world hunger.

Trading Platform
The largest cryptocurrency trading platforms in the world require a rather large user base if they are to allow crypto to be listed on their exchange. The bigger the movement, the bigger the awareness of Stylcoin, the more likely it will be listed on the big platforms.

If our industry is even mildly diligent in our efforts to refer colleagues and casually mention Stylcoin with clients, then it could be one of the largest successes in the effort to end world hunger that we have ever seen in our lifetime.

Join the fight to end world hunger. Register for free today.