
Sudoku is a number place game based on logic reasoning. Everyone can play Sudoku because it is universally understood across all languages. The rule is quite simple too, each row, each column and each 3x3 box may only contain the number 1 to 9 once. Although this sounds very simple, it can turn out cruel!

Players have access to play sudoku online, enjoy free sudoku, get daily sudoku, sign for subscription sudoku puzzles and print sudoku.

Advertisers in turn are welcome to reach this market via any of our applications at affordable rates. Yes it is now possible to speak to Sudoku players who are unquestionably intelligent, focussed and literate. Oh, did we mention that Sudoku Players are loyal to their game?

Our latest service caters for web and print publishers. We now offer Sudoku Syndication for print publishers, electronic publishers and an online version. Publishing Sudoku Puzzles serve two purposes ie attract new readers and make your publication sticky. We have a killer feature in store if you buy your Sudoku Puzzles from us.