
Jinger Jarret created Survival Ready Life for veterans to help them use the power of a relationship with Jesus Christ to help them grow in their faith. Being a Christian can often be a battle because we're not really fighting against people. We're dealing with the spirit world.

One of the most important things I have learned is that the real issue is anything in my life that is unhealed. When we have unhealed issues, those issues will come up over and over. They affect our thinking, and what we believe about ourselves. We always act on what we believe.

So, I decided to take Survival Ready Life and change it from a site about survival skills for the average person to a site about the real survival skills we need: how to navigate life from the point of view of a Christian. It's about how to live in victory regardless of your circumstances. It's about living a life of freedom, the type of freedom and peace Jesus has called us to.

You'll find all of my best resources on my website: https://survivalreadylife.com

I'll be writing ebooks, Bible studies, and newsletters to help you grow in your faith. You can subscribe. It's free.