
Sutudu is a new and innovative marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on Polygon. It is designed to revolutionize the way that NFTs are bought and sold, offering a range of features that sets it apart from other NFT marketplaces.

One of the key features of Sutudu is the ability for artists and content creators to specify up to 10 different wallet addresses to receive proceeds from the sale of their NFT. This gives creators a level of flexibility and control that is not available on other platforms, allowing them to share the proceeds from the sale of their NFT with collaborators or distribute the proceeds among multiple wallets for financial planning purposes.

Sutudu also offers a range of other features that make it a great platform for buying and selling NFTs on Polygon. For example, it allows for royalty splits with a timer, giving artists and content creators the ability to specify up to 10 different wallet addresses to receive royalties, as well as up to 10 different royalty rates for different periods of time. Additionally, it also allows first-time buyers of NFTs to earn royalties, giving them a stake in the future success of the work.

Sutudu offers lazy mint and instant minting options, as well as the ability to freeze the metadata right on IPFS. This allows for other applications to benefit from being on-chain and means that NFTs minted on Sutudu can be token gated, unlike on other marketplaces like OpenSea which only allows for lazy minting under the ERC1155. Sutudu is the only marketplace that can mint both ERC721 and ERC1155 NFTs, making it a versatile and powerful platform for artists and content creators.

In addition to all these features, Sutudu is also focused on web3 commerce and community development projects, which makes it a great platform for creators who are looking to build their communities and sell their work in a decentralized and transparent way.

Overall, we are confident that Sutudu will revolutionize the way that NFTs are bought and sold, and we look forward to welcoming you to the platform. Whether you’re an artist or content creator looking to sell your work as NFTs, or a collector looking to add unique and valuable digital assets to your portfolio, Sutudu is the marketplace for you.