
Swim-Trainer.Com welcomes all swimmers of all levels from the recreational to the professional. We all share one thing and that is 4 the love of swimming and how to get the best out of this great sport. We are the first site that is for and made by swimmers and triathletes. Featuring a new multi tiered website that will be iPhone and other mobile communication mediums configured - download the APP

We are focused on what you need, Swim–Trainer.com is more than just a shop but a community that wants to help all our readers get better, enjoy and share knowledge with fellow swimmers. Combining the Internet shopping of swim watches-computers (other great technology to the basics) with training plans and community blog for athletes, coaches, and the swimming public. The Apps involve fee-paying services known as Gold and Basic which is free.

Our prices are the best as we are based in Luxembourg with the lowest sales, must, and vat rates in Europe so you the consumer will pocket the difference not us

Swim-Trainer.Com is proud to be offered by the two leading swim manufacturers to be part of their worldwide distribution focusing on Europe and Worldwide. Our great relationship with them on these computers led us to ask why can’t they do more and share more? So we made our own amazing application the Swim Data Bank that allows the swimmer to analyse far further their information, in different timeframes and to share & compare it with your coach, your club and swimmers you meet on our community blog (only our software app can do this). We also made our own Training Plan application as well so you can have daily plans that have been designed for different abilities.

Swim-Trainer iPhone game available soon on the App Store
App 3D iPhone Game: Lastly for the swimmer who wants to train even out of the water the first 3D iPhone game based on the computer watch metrics so that you to can swim in the world championships- We all have to relax and have fun!

Get the game for iPhone

Swim Databank
The APP or web based server programme for your computer that works on Swimovate and Finis, or for the swimmer who wants to do there own manual profiling .You want the data from your watch in tabular or charts, to analyse in greater detail, to get clearer, to play with your data, compare your data with your friends here you are- unique to us.

Some clients will wish to manually add their data if they are using a more basic version of the watch/computer we are selling otherwise those using the higher end watches will be able to send the data from a docking station in CSV file format.

Gold – will store their data on the server so you the swimmer can analyse this anywhere, anyplace on your iPhone, laptop, pc–

Training Program Area
There will be 2 programmes posted weekly for beginners and Competition as a sample. For free known as BASIC membership Daily training programmes in weekly format will be posted access to GOLD membership and have 3 levels of beginners, medium and Competition standard.

To buy your Swimovate watch, Finis Swimsense, Apps + more. Our interest in technological innovation continues with us selling other great swimming products swim based MP3 players and swimming products of Finis approx 30-50 articles of their swimming essentials and basics from hats, goggles, fins, pullboys to dry land stretch cords - we are committed to giving you the best prices, quality and service. Here you can buy the Apps Training plan and Swim databank gold memberships. Our prices are the best as we are based in Luxembourg with the lowest sales, mwst, and vat rates in Europe.

Swim Library
We are sourcing always and constantly looking for great articles for our community readers on the subjects that are important to us - Training plans, Tips, Nutrition, Swim technique stroke; Dry land training etc .We are posting a library of quality articles on this subject matter for free

Swim Forum-Blog Community
this is your area for our readers so get involved and post. Here leading swimmers, coaches, triathletes will be able to blog on all aspects of swimming, training, technique, nutrition, and dryland by subject areas. Membership is free. We invite all interested Swimmers to share and post on this community part of the site. It is fun and a great way to find out more and make friends near and far away in the swimming world.

Our inspiration came about through our love of swimming and tri from .We swim actively 5-6 times a week; attend many swim meetings home and abroad as part of our duties as Coaches, Swimmers, referees and commercial functions. We swim in competitions and go to swim camps. Last years we have competed in the Masters world and European competitions and participated in Montecristo Marseille open water 5km challenge. Just like all of you 4 the love of swimming