1 - 9 businesses
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I am an attorney, author, podcaster and book publicist.
Lean in close, we've got another great read to tell you about.
THBC specializes in helping authors write, self-publish and market their books.
I’m a eCopy Promos Liaison. I’ll help you enter any market any time you’re ready, upgrade to the most cost-effective way of attracting more clients and the best ways of keeping them buying.
Novel Marketing Ideas
An independent book marketing specialist and publicist with over 13 years of marketing experience. Expertise includes not only public relations strategy, but also online and social media marketing, as well as traditional marketing in print, radio and TV.
Paula Margulies Communications
Paula Margulies Communications is a public relations agency specializing in helping talented authors get premium exposure for their publications.
FiredUp Communications
FiredUp Communications offers innovative public relations and marketing services for small to midsize businesses
S. J. Miller Communications
Stacey J. Miller is an independent book promotion specialist and founder of the Boston, Massachusetts-area book publicity firm, S. J. Miller Communications. She is the author of the book, "101 Recipes for Microwave Mug Cakes."
Pigtail Public Relations
Specializing in children’s, parenting and special needs books, Pigtail Public Relations provides media and event services to publishers and authors.
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