1 - 11 businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Random Flannel Generator
An eCommerce store that sells random flannel shirts at a low price.
Frugalteer is dedicated to launching success through sound, financial principles, and the practical DYI ideas upon which our country was founded.
Phroogal is crowd sourced financial information enabling social collaboration to share knowledge, discover new resources and connect with money-savvy peers and financial experts.
Earn & Play
Earn and Play is the first mobile app that connects brands with consumers at the store shelf.
Detroit Coupons and Deals
Detroit based blog provides bargain leads to local moms and other budget conscious Detroiters, both locally and online. It attempts to help a city that's economy is damaged but their spirit is not.
The Standup Gourmet
The Standup Gourmetâ„¢ website provides "Tasty Tidbits for Domestic Misfits," from recipes and gardening techniques, to home repair and product critiques.
Simpleton Solutions
Simpleton Solutions encourages debt-free, sustainable living through creative frugality, what we call Living Large on Less. Our books are unparalleled in vital money-saving information, and they're fun to read, too. Subscribe to our free newsletter!
GIMMIEFREEBIES.COM is a website that finds free offers and shares with their fans. They scour the web for freebies, offers and great deals, and then report back with their findings. They usually post a few dozen offers EVERY DAY!
Dear GiGi
GiGi offers live expert advice in various categories, including beauty, shopping/style, pets, dog behavior/training, home/leisure, and all relationship issues. With a 5-star rating, and return clients, GiGi has a successful track record.
Simple Thrift
Wendy Thomas is a journalist and the author of Simple Thrift, a blog at (www.simplethrift.wordpress.com), Simple Thrift column at The Nashua telegraph (www.nashuatelegraph.com) and the Manchester Frugal Families Examiner (examiner.com/Manchester) .
wes sass services
Wes Sass Services is the leading provider of self-help guides - its "Lifestyle Guides" series features guides on everything from saving money to finding a job, losing weight and [;ammomg a wedding. Visit our updated website at livingon99cents.webs.com
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