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CIBAFI Workshop Tackles Challenges in IFSI with Series of Technical Workshops
alshaykh network for foresight & strategic studies provides science-based strategic analysis and forward looking insights to decision makers in governments, international institutions, the private sector and civil societies.
Yurizk is the First Interactive Global Online Directory of Islamic Finance Education & Training Providers
Tujuh Keajaiban Middle East FZE
Tujuh Keajaiban based in the United Arab Emirates, and is a commodity focued trade finance advisory with a presence in Malaysia and China. We provide end to end value chain support. This includes from origin (producing countries) to consuming countries.
Noriba Investing
By going online to noribainvesting.com they can instantly determine whether a traded company or fund they are considering is deemed Islamically permissible. And then buy it.
Middle East Global Advisors (MEGA)
MEGA is the market leading business information firm focused on achieving business results for the global Islamic banking & finance industry since 1993. The portfolio of MEGA brands represents landmark industry conferences.
AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking hand Economics
AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics is organization working on Research, Advosiry, Training and Publication on Islamic Banking and finance.
The Sharia Ummah Securities Information Exchange Ltd (ShariaUMEX) is a dedicated securities information and trading gateway that covers news and information about Sharia compliant securities and Islamic finance from all of the world’s main markets.
GlobalPro Consulting Malaysia
GlobalPro Consulting is a premier consulting and training firm based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. GlobalPro specialized in disseminating knowledge and skills in the areas of Islamic finance, business and management.
Please visit: www.globalpro.com.my.
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