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Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Matt Landing
"My Enlightenment Delusion: experiences and musings of a former Transcendental Meditation teacher" by Matt Landing is an Amazon.com book. Matt thought he was enlightened after his kundalini crisis in 1990. Later he realized he had a grandiose delusion.
Spirit Voyage
Spirit Voyage Records is a music and video production company whose mission is to share the sacred experience of Kundalini Yoga and its music.
CDM Publications
Inspiration, Information, Instruction for your spiritual life. Our books, audio and downloads encourage you along your path. Learn simple, powerful techniques that can be used in quiet meditation and in daily life.
Mastery of Meditation and Yoga
The best and fastest growing free online yoga and meditation center on the internet today. Offers free online yoga and meditation classes, videos, e-books, articles and other useful resources for spiritual and personal growth.
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