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Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!American Marine Surveyors of Florida
Marine Surveyors in the Tampa Bay, Florida Keys, Panhandle and Miami areas Are here to Survey Yachts and Boats for Pre-Purchase and Insurance, Cargo and Barge. We also offer Engine Diagnostics on Outboard engines, Oil Analysis and Damage surveys.
Marine survey, consultant
We are providing Inspection/Survey/Surveillance/Inspector/Expediters/ Quality control/Testing/Certification/Marine Surveyors/ Superintendent at Anywhere & Countires. CELL: +84903615612, http://www.aimcontrolgroup.com, email: aimcontrol@hotmail.com
Agriculture - Industry - Marine Control Inspection Group (AIM Control) Worldwide is an independent inspection group acting globally and providing a complete range of inspection, quality goods control. Pls contact: e: aimcontrol@hotmail.com
Agriculture - Industry - Marine Control Inspection Group (AIM Control) Worldwide is an independent inspection group acting globally and providing a complete range of inspection, quality goods control. Pls contact: e: aimcontrol@vnn.vn; www.giamdinh.org
Agriculture - Industry - Marine Control Inspection Group (AIM Control) Worldwide is an independent inspection group acting globally and providing a complete range of inspection, quality goods control. Pls conatact: http://www.cargoinspection.com.vn
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