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Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!DV Books - 1 followers
Book publisher of thrillers, historical fiction, nonfiction and children's books.
Starboard Rock Press
Andrew Updegrove is a writer of satirical, topical, believable cybersecurity thrillers
Kellie Larsen Murphy Books
Currently publishing psychological mysteries and suspense as well as short freelance pieces. In addition, maintains writing blog with tips and book club notes.
MysteryPile Ancient Mysteries - 1 followers
Ancient Mysteries Researcher, Writer, and Enthusiast. Strongly believes we are part of something unimaginably bigger than perception allows one to perceive.
SherritheWriter, Independent Author
I am an independent author and have published 4 books.
Jerry Hanel
Jerry Hanel is the author of the Brodie Wade series of paranormal mysteries. Jerry Hanel can be reached from 8am to 8pm, M-F for interviews. He is also available for on-site interviews such as media days and television promos.
Mainly Murder Press LLC
Traditional publisher of mystery novels with an emphasis on stories set in New England
Cozy Cat Press
Small independent publishing company devoted to the publication of cozy (or light) mysteries.
Raymond Benson
With 21 published books to his credit, RAYMOND BENSON was the official author of the James Bond novels, 1996-2002. These titles are collected in the recent anthology THE UNION TRILOGY and in CHOICE OF WEAPONS, out this summer. www.raymondbenson.com
Books For Children and Adults
Author of mysteries, thrillers, mainstream fiction, romances, children's fiction, articles and short stories.
MCM Enterprises
Maryann Miller is the author of numerous books, screenplays, and articles. She is also a freelance editor.
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