1 - 11 businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods
Organized in 2008, the Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods provides education and advocacy on issues impacting the neighborhoods of North Atlanta including government services, zoning, schools and transportation.
Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council
The GWNC supports our neighbors and neighborhoods serves as a grass-roots liaison between our stakeholders and the City Council.
Kirkwood Home For the Holidays - 1 followers
Kirkwood Home For The Holidays – a neighborhood holiday festival and tree lighting.
Evans Churchill Community Association
Evans Churchill is one of the most exciting neighborhoods in Arizona. This mixed-use, mixed-density area is a truly urban neighborhood that combines history, art, great dining, and some of the best living options in a walkable area of downtown Phoenix.
Field of Dreams
The Field of Dreams is an all volunteer-run committee with the main focus on raising funds and awareness for community and schoolyard improvements.
Little Havana Guide, LLC
Little Havana Guide, LLC (LLC) is a Miami-based small business that publishes a free online guide / hyperlocal site focused on Miami's Little Havana neighborhood. LLC also offers cultural and customized tours of the area.
South Atlantans for Neighborhood Development
South Atlantans for Neighborhood Development (SAND): Is the Atlanta neighborhood association representing the five neighborhoods west of Moreland and south of I-20 and is a nonprofit organization under 501(c)3.
West End Neighborhood Development, Inc.
WEND is a neighborhood organization comprised primarily of the residents and residential property owners of Atlanta's Historic West End and is organized for the purpose of preserving and enhancing the residential character and livability of the area.
ST Residential
ST Residential leads a public-private partnership between the FDIC and a consortium of esteemed private-equity investors, and manages a nationwide condominium-construction project portfolio.
Old Louisville
Old Louisville enjoys a reputation as one of the nation’s largest Victorian neighborhoods. The neighborhood contains over a thousand stately mansions and opulent residences from the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Project
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Project
"How to plan social events and fundraising efforts in your neighborhood"
Tapping into resources and talents right outside your front door
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