Businesses > rainwater harvesting
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Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Stone Hands Project and Consultancy Pvt Ltd.
Since inception, the primary aim of Stone Hands is to preserve water and prevent our nation from water scarcity.
We provide expert farming solutions to agricultural businesses. With over 20 years of diverse agricultural experience, we’ll ensure you’re always getting the best results with a focus on innovation, cheaper farm inputs and increased efficiency.
Rain Water Solutions
Rain Water Solutions, has made it our mission to work with government agencies and non-profits to use rain barrels as an education / outreach tool for water conservation and water quality issues. More information at
Rainwater Harvesting Shop
Rainwater Harvesting Shop supplies Water Butts, Water Storage Tanks & Rainwater Harvesting Tanks to UK & Ireland. Rainwater harvesting with waters butts and water storage tanks saves water and money.
Rainwater Warehouse
Rainwater Warehouse is a leading provider of rainwater harvesting systems, products & stormwater design. We supply a complete range of rainwater harvesting solutions for residential and commercial properties.
Zain Traders
Zain Traders install customised pre-fabricated Zinc aluminium steel tanks, offers Grain Storage System and supply PVC Geo-membrane used for water conservation, waste containments and seepage control.
Water Rhapsody
Water Rhapsody specialises in water conservation (residential & commercial), particularly rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling. Our technology allows our clients to reduce their water bill by up to 90%.
Kingspan Water Rainwater Harvesting
Kingspan Water offers the most innovative range of products for rainwater harvesting & greywater recycling to meet the demands of modern building projects.
Simply Water Butts
SimplyWaterButts aims to offer the largest collection of quality water butts and water tanks on the web. It already has a huge range of water butts and water tanks covering every conceivable design and is constantly expanding its range.
Delightful Watergardens
Creating a better lifestyle. We design, create and maintain ponds, fountains, wetland construction, Pondless Waterfalls and rainwater harvesting in Wisconsin.
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