1 - 11 businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!The Thrive Tribe
The Thrive Tribe is a free global coaching and personal development program that has been launched for survivors of human trafficking. This is being offered in partnership with US based NGO, Liluye (501c3) and Inner Coaching You.
Saprea is a nonprofit that exists to liberate individuals and society from child sexual abuse and its lasting impacts.
50/50 Leadership
Providing financial literacy and mentorship programs to women who have overcome trauma, hardship and victimization
Cancer Journeys Founation - 1 followers
The Cancer Journeys Foundation provides a comprehensive digital information center for cancer survivors, their families, and caregivers. The Foundation provides the tools and community cancer survivors need in order to have the best possible
Tabula Rasa Domestic Violence
Tabula Rasa Domestic Violence Relocation (TabulaRasaDV), a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to provide victims and survivors of domestic violence a Fresh Start.
LaterTalk allows free and premium subscribers to digitally interact with designated survivors via text, audio, and video/photos after the subscriber’s passing (a/k/a "Legacy Media"). When other forms of social media end, Latertalk begins.
Dev Media Group
Representation of clients to national and international media, including print and broadcast. We work towards clients goals and objectives, justifying return on investment with strategic planning.
Young Survival Coalition San Diego
Young Survival Coalition San Diego is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the critical issues unique to women 40 and under with breast cancer that provides young survivors with educational events, access to support groups and networking opportunities.
Pinkribbons book
Cancer Survivors Come Put Your Story In this Book to become a series, Come Put your loved ones name in the Dedication Chapter, Poets can come add your first time ublished poetry in a series of future books. Write a letter to the loved one that has passed.
Supporter Pixel Project, Writer Domestic Violence
I am a writer of eBooks and have just published my first one on smashwords.com. This one: Bruised on the Inside: How to Become a Domestic Violence Survivor" is a fictional story based around the main character, Katie, that speaks for many.
Singleparentzone is about the challenges we face as single parent’s. It's about working a fulltime job and juggling a full daily schedule with children – It’s about holding everything together when all around you is falling apart.
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