
TalkingWithHeroes.com is a non political program that has been on the air since December 2005. For the first two years we had a one hour over the internet call in program.
In 2006 our program expanded to include video. Our video program took us to Iraq 5 times and to Afghanistan 3 times from 2006 to 2011. We went to Iraq in 2006 and back to Iraq twice in 2007...before the Surge and after the Surge.
In 2010 we made two trips to Iraq and our first two trips to Afghanistan.
In 2011 we made our fifth trip to Iraq and third trip to Afghanistan.
On these trips we documented on video with our troops and civilians as well as local people about progress and positive stories. The stories were shared by our Troops, Civilians and Local People in their own words.
We now have hundreds of video episodes on our Youtube page www.youtube.com/bobc9246
And now we have launched all unedited footage from our 2011 trip to Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan on a NEW DVD Book Series. We have included with the launch of these unique and historical DVD's a Free Fund Raising Program for those individuals, Companies and Organizations who help us get our Troops stories out across America.
In March 2012 we have launched our Call To Action: Adopt Our Troops Progress Stories Campaign with a series of News Releases and announcements on our websites and on our Social Networking Sites... on Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter, Google+, on our MWSA Blog and more.
We are asking everybody to put politics aside and help get our Troops amazing stories out to millions.
TalkingWithheroes.Com is also very involved in helping our active duty military families, our veterans and their families, issues related to PTSD, TBI, our Wounded and our Gold Star Families.
We do what we can to help Military Support and Veterans Groups across the country.
We do this through our online news site www.thankyouforyourservice.us Stories are added daily to this news site and then tweeted. People connected with us on Twitter are Retweeting these stories.