
Tan Delta Systems Limited is a global leader in the development and supply of advanced oil condition monitoring technologies, products and systems.

Based in Sheffield, United Kingdom, our products are trusted by the world's leading industrial and commercial companies to monitor oil condition in real time across a broad variety of applications. Our products help them optimise equipment productivity, reduce operating costs, thereby remaining competitive in a global economy.

Unlike other oil condition sensors, Tan Delta technology provides Full Spectrum Holistic (FSH) monitoring of any oil type in any application in real time. FSH monitoring ensures that any change in quality is instantly detected, accurately measured and reported – no matter the cause of the condition loss – water, particles, soot, acid, viscosity etc. This unique capability ensures that oil condition is optimally managed and that nothing is missed.

The condition of your oil will determine the efficiency and productivity of your equipment. Poor quality oil will strain and reduce equipment output, reduce life, cause accelerated wear and break downs. Accurate monitoring of oil condition using FSH technology from Tan Delta ensures that oil condition is optimally managed – its not changed too often causing unnecessary cost and equally not left to cause damage to equipment. The ultimate benefit to you is a significant reduction in equipment operating costs